Javier Palma-Guerrero
Javier Palma-Guerrero Telephone +44 (0)131 651 3337. Email: Project. I am working towards my PhD in the Plant Pathology Group at the University of Alicante ...
Sexual development images
Sexual Development Image Gallery. Protoperithecium development in Neurospora crassa. Bar = 5 µm (Hickey et al., 2005). Ascodesmis sphaerospora. ...
Slime moulds image gallery
Slime Moulds Image Gallery. Scanning electron micrograph of the fruitbody of a plasmodial slime mould. Partially freeze-dried (Read, unpubl.). ...
Conidial anastomosis home page
We wish to stimulate and inspire other researchers to work on conidial anastomosis fusion, and communicate with us about it significance and how widespread ...
Hyphal fusion images
(C) A differential interference contrast (DIC) image showing fusion of CATs (f) produced directly from two conidia, one of which has produced a germ tube ...
Fungal Cell Biology Group, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
2008 Fungalcell.org. Last updated: January 2008. Any questions or problems with the site? NEWS. January 2009. The lab welcomes Dr Juan Turrion, ...
Hyphal growth and branching movies
Hyphal growth. Satellite Spitzenkörper. hypha_05.mpg. Morchella esculenta. Stained with FM4-64. Hyphal growth. Spitzenkörper retraction. hypha_06.mpg ...
Hyphal growth and branching movies
Hyphal growth. Satellite Spitzenkörper. hypha_05.mpg. Morchella esculenta. Stained with FM4-64. Hyphal growth. Spitzenkörper retraction. hypha_06.mpg ...
Fungal Cell Biology Group - Publications
S., Nielsen, C.B., Butler, J., Jaffe, D., Endrizzi, M., Qui, D., .... Read, N.D. & Roca, M.G. (2006) Vegetative hyphal fusion in filamentous fungi. ...
Graham's Photo's - Bonet de douche
Please don't let these problems spoil your enjoyment of the collection or indeed your willingness to submit further BONNET DE DOUCHE! ...