Changing pads or tampons at school
Mar 14, 2009 ... No one wants the whole class to see your pads or tampons, so tuck them into easy hiding places like your pocket, waistband or the sleeve of ...
Scent and Sentiment
The less you expose perfume or cologne to air, the longer it will last. Citrus and light smells are the first to evaporate. ...
How can I feel differently about my changing body (puberty)
Dear Iris,I really do NOT like the idea of my body changing it just makes me want to throw up. Is there anyway you can help feel different about this? ...
Teenage Girls Fear of Fatness
Although almost 80% of the teenage girls studied in a recent survey fall within the healthy weight range, less than 50% saw their weight as "about right. ... In Fiji for centuries the ideal body was robust, "going thin," as they called
How can I tell my friend she hurts my feelings
I have a friend that ALWAYS puts me down in a joking way so if I would get mad she would say, "I'm only joking!" but sometimes it really hurts my feelings. ...
The Pelvic Exam-External
The Pelvic Exam-External. After you and the doctor have asked all the questions you want, the doctor or nurse will take you to an examining room. ...
Problems Inserting Tampons
You want to end the association, in your mind, between penetration and pain and fear. Eventually you will insert tampons so easily that you will wonder why ...
Problems Inserting Tampons
You want to end the association, in your mind, between penetration and pain and fear. Eventually you will insert tampons so easily that you will wonder why ...
Can I swim with a pad
The bottom line is that you cannot swim with a pad. It is absolutely necessary to use a tampon when swimming. Correctly inserted tampons are not felt, ...
How should you react when you get your first period
GET YOUR WINGS · ASK QUESTIONS ... When you get your period for the first time, how should you react? Jody. Dear Jody,. I think you should celebrate...this is a huge 'rite of ... You should tell your mom first and let her set the tone. ...