Macola Point of Sale for Progression and ES
Best of all, CASH POS works with your Macola accounting system giving you access to all your customer information and price codes. BirdDog CASH point of ...
Imagine if your sales rep didn’t have to worry about shippers at all but could just choose 2 day knowing that when the pick ticket is printed the picking ...
BirdDog Software Corporation
eCommerce (e-Commerce), BirdDog CustomerService, Point of Sale (POS), Distribution, Freight, and Credit Card solutions for Macola Progression and Macola ES.
BirdDog eCommerce for Macola Progression and ES
Sets on top of Macola database-No integration tools required. Your entire marketing message delivered to the web. Get your website connected to the rest of ...
BirdDog sdk for Macola
Net, these Object Oriented programming tools remove the frustration of talking to the Macola database by mapping Macola’s relational base to user friendly ...
Oklahoma City software development jobs
BirdDog Software is a rapidly growing software developer in Oklahoma City. We believe that if we build a company that is a great place to work, ...
Pricing and Price Codes
The three price codes that do allow you to use P=Pricing are 1) Customer Number and Item Number, 3) Customer Type and Item Number and 6) Item Number Only, ...
Pricing and Price Codes
The three price codes that do allow you to use P=Pricing are 1) Customer Number and Item Number, 3) Customer Type and Item Number and 6) Item Number Only, ...
BirdDog Software Corporation
eCommerce (e-Commerce), BirdDog CustomerService, Point of Sale (POS), Distribution, Freight, and Credit Card solutions for Macola Progression and Macola ES.
BirdDog Software Corporation
eCommerce (e-Commerce), BirdDog CustomerService, Point of Sale (POS), Distribution, Freight, and Credit Card solutions for Macola Progression and Macola ES.