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Scythian material culture
Women so-called Amazons constituted the major portion of all warriors. .... we know little from few pictures on sewn gold plates – young girls and women plated their hair, ... The well known gold pectoral from Tovsta Mogyla weighs 1 . ...
electronic version at http://arheologie.ulbsibiu.ro/
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat The certain number of the swords can be distinguished as a celtic. The whole number of swords were about 60 iron swards (fig. 8). ...
Dacian settlements and necropolises in Southwestern Romania (2nd c ...
„Orlea-Maglavit” Fibula Types, Zbornik Narodnog Muzeja – Beograd, 14.1, p. 319-324. Popović 2000 : POPOVIĆ (P.). - La céramique de La Tène finale sur le ...
... Germania, Elveţia, Belgia, Olanda, Anglia, Danemarca, Suedia, Spania, Italia, ... Morminte antropomorfe săpate în pământ, similare celor din necropolele ..... Ca arheolog însă nu pot crede că o serie de monumente din secolul al ...
The tradition of funeral customs in Thrace, which in the Roman ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat Traditions of indigenous funeral customs and beliefs in proper way to proceed to afterlife in Thrace and in other Roman provinces with strong indigenous ...
Oamenii Nordului
- [ Translate this page ]Se pare că prin secolul al V-lea, unele grupuri de germanici ce locuiau în părţile nord-vestice ale Europei au luat drumul nordului, aşezându-se pe coasta ...
Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis V
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat University Lucian Blaga Sibiu, sabinadrian.luca@ulbsibiu.ro ...... Knowledge Project, http://www.prehistory.it/ftp/winn.htm. WINN S. on-line. ...... Gumelniţa-Cernavoda I şi Precucuteni- Cucuteni/Tripolie, CA, XI/I (199
Erz und Schlacke in provinzialrömischen Gräber aus Dakien
The Society of the Living – the Community of the Dead. (from Neolithic to the Christian Era). Proceedings of the. 7 th International Colloquium of Funerary ...
Asezari pe valea muresului Turdas - Lunca explicatia ilustratiilor
Cuprins (Content). AŞEZĂRI NEOLITICE PE VALEA MUREŞULUI (II). Noi cercetări la Turdaş – Luncă. I. Campaniile anilor 1992-1995 ...
Asezari pe valea muresului Turdas - Lunca explicatia ilustratiilor
Cuprins (Content). Explanatory chart of the illustrations · NEOLITHIC SETTLEMENTS IN THE VALLEY OF THE MUREŞ (II) ...
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