Guest Images
GUEST IMAGES. [ Home ] [ Galaxies ] [ Nebula ] [ Planetary/snr ] [ Guest Images ]. M 51 (NGC 5194)- The Whirlpool Galaxy in Canes Venatici (Devin Beatty) ...
IC 1613
IC 1613 is a type Irr-B dwarf galaxy and magnitude 16 (surface brightness). It is a member of the local group with distance estimates in the 2 million light ...
IC 417
IC 417 ( Sh2-234 ) Auriga Penryn, California October 2006. FS-128 (ag, ST-4) ST-2000XM LRGB 15 minute subs. An emission nebula in Auriga located to the east ...
IC 443
IC 443 is a pulsar driven shock front colliding with a molecular cloud and is an ... IC 443 is the third brightest SNR and is approximately 30000 years old.
NGC 4559
NGC 4559 is classified SBc with a surface brightness of magnitude 13.0. It contains an intermediate-mass black hole or holes and is at about 30-35 million ...
NGC 6960
NGC 6960 - The Witch's Broom or Tornado Nebula Cygnus Penryn, California July 2005. FS-128G (ag, ST-4) ST-10XME LRGB 1o minutes each. Supernova Remnant ...
glen youman's astrophotos
Glen Youman's Astrophotos. Ancient Light. Images ... In addition to astrophotography, I am very involved in telescope making and mentoring others in the art ...
NGC 2336
NGC 2336 is classified as a ringed, barred spiral galaxy (SBbc R). Surface brightness is 14.4 magnitude. Super Nova 1987L occurred in this galaxy. ...
Planetary/snr index
NGC 40 - A small planetary in Cepheus NGC 246 - A large cool planetary in Cetus ... 77) A small planetary in Cepheus PK 102-5.1 - A ring planetary in a rich star field in Lacerta ... PK 171-25.1 - A small faint planetary in Taurus ...
NGC 1788
NGC 1788 (image down sampled 0.5x - click on image for a full resolution image) Orion Penryn, California October 2006. FS-128G (ag, ST-4) ...