Perpetual Motion: Overbalanced Wheel
There is almost a tradition among various believers in perpetual motion regarding what physicists call the overbalanced wheel. It's a favorite device in all ...
Earth's Orbit
But if we define the inclination of the orbit to equal zero, how can we explain the non-zero change in the inclination? In this case the change reflects the ...
Newton's Bucket and Einstein's Ellipsoid
But we do distinguish inertial frames from non-inertial ones, as Newton's bucket experiment and Einstein's imaginary observation of two fluid bodies ...
Splenn D'Ifferess
When the cops played their brutal music, Splenn never, ever sang. The other gangsters knew that Splenn was as reliable as a clock ...
A Single-Slit Experiment
A Single-Slit Experiment. Back to Contents. Imagine that we have a particle of mass m traveling along our x-axis in the positive x-direction with linear ...
Wien's Displacement and Distribution Laws
... Max Planck used in his formal derivation of the correct formula describing blackbody radiation. ... That equation expresses Wien's displacement law. ...
Integral Sine Squared
in which we take ωt in the sine and the cosine to represent a particular phase angle by which the final state of the voltage differs from the initial state. ...
Newton's Bucket and Einstein's Ellipsoid
But we do distinguish inertial frames from non-inertial ones, as Newton's bucket experiment and Einstein's imaginary observation of two fluid bodies ...