baldilocks: Crying Game
(Side note: Even though women are more prone to spontaneous crying, they play the ‘poor baby’ game just as often; I rarely cry in front of other people ...
baldilocks: Color Him Father
Jun 20, 2004 ... And I hope I'm at least half the dad. That he didn't have to be. Lookin' back all I can say. About all the things he did for me ...
baldilocks: Happy Birthday To Me
One year wiser? We'll all benefit from that.... [Read More]. Tracked on August 29, 2004 at 09:26 PM. » MilBlogs: from Mudville Gazette ...
baldilocks: "Gentleman" Macbeth
At YouTube, there’s a video of a self-described Army Ranger Jessie Macbeth. Macbeth outlines the various war crimes in which he and his “battle buddies” ...
baldilocks: What's My Line? To Tell the Truth
What's My Line (early 50s) began with 3 different people all claiming to be ... of the show was about a panel of celebrities questioning the 3 and deducing ...
baldilocks: Happy Birthday To Me
Teal Marie sent me this card to make me feel better about getting old. ... One year wiser? We'll all benefit from that.... [Read More] ...
baldilocks: My Congressional Representative
Apr 26, 2004 ... Baldilocks has this delicious quote from Maxine Waters: "I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion. ...
baldilocks: Dissecting Code Pink/Walter Reed Protesters (UPDATED)
Er...dissecting their purposes I mean...I promise. This time, Drudge was right.Washington (CNSNews.com) - The Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, ...
baldilocks: Danger Able Danger (re-edited)
Regarding government pens - to this day I do not routinely carry a pen on my person, a habit formed in the service. Like everyone else I would come home, ...
baldilocks: Give This Kid A Medal
I saw Greta van Susteren interview Jabbar Gibson and some of his passengers -- chrys is right about "cool headed leader material." ...