Ireland - Message Boards - Irish Roots
Welcome to the Irish Roots Message Board, part of the Virtual Irish Community website ... Irish Roots | Ireland's Diaspora | | Genealogy & Family History ...
Ireland - Message Boards - Dublin Roots?
Byrne Family of Dublin sought by Goodfellow from Canada (7 messages) ... looking for nuillty family in balbriggan ireland (1 message) ...
Ireland - Message Boards - Dublin Roots?
Byrne Family of Dublin sought by Goodfellow from Canada (7 messages) .... Visit the Irish Roots message board for help in finding your Irish Roots | ...
Ireland - Message Boards - Any information on Magees in Donegal?
There are a lot of Magees in Donegal and a family lived close to Donegal town. I have their family records but of course would need to know more of your ...
Any information on Magees in Donegal?
There are a lot of Magees in Donegal and a family lived close to Donegal town. I have their family records but of course would need to know more of your ...
Ireland - Message Boards - Fitzgerald family - Cork - Looking for ...
1 postRyans and Fitzgeralds Ramona Francis, Fredericton, NB, Canada. My great-great grandmother was Catherine Ryan who was born ca1791 in Ireland,[Sutton Parish, ...
Ireland - Message Boards - Kearns/Ryan/Darcy/Franklin/Richardson ...
Mary Kearns'father Denis Ryan b-1842 was the son of Rody Ryan and Ellen Franklin and was also born in Glengar, RC parish of Doon. Margaret Darcy b-1853 was ...
Ireland - Message Boards - Nolan roots?
My great grandfather, John M. m Catherine Doran. They were parents of my grandfather, James M. Nolan, b Nov.10, 1865 in Co. Carlow. ...
Ireland - Message Boards - PEOPLES
I am trying to gather as much information as I can about my ancestors. Any information would be appreciated. John Bambosek Australia ...
Ireland - Message Boards - Josh Blake
John Bambosek - 06:05am Jun 10, 2007 Irish (#3 of 3). My Great-great-great grandfather's mother was Hannah or Anna Marcella Blake who was still living in ...