Calculated factors of the numerator of Bernoulli numbers Bn in ...
732: 61 * 773 12421 . 734: 367 * 157 6547 . 736: 23 * 483611 . 738: 41 * 103 . ...... 7916: 1979 * 37 283 3851 17231 . 7918: 37 107 * . 7920: 1 * 33617 . ...
Some remarks on Kurepa's left factorial
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML Some remarks on Kurepa’s left factorial. Bernd C. Kellner. 12th October 2004. Abstract. We establish a connection between the subfactorial function S(n) and ...
The Bernoulli Number Page
Oct 12, 2008 ... Bernoulli numbers, Euler numbers, calculations, factorizations of numerator, irregular pairs of higher order.
The Bernoulli Number Page
Oct 12, 2008 ... Bernoulli numbers, Euler numbers, calculations, factorizations of ... World of Mathematics, Bernoulli number; [L3] David Harvey: Homepage. ...
The Bernoulli Number Page
Oct 12, 2008 ... Bernoulli numbers, Euler numbers, calculations, factorizations of numerator, irregular pairs of higher order.
Calculated factors of the numerator of Bernoulli numbers Bn in ...
3576: 149 * 379 . 3578: 1789 * . 3580: 179 * 4259 . 3582: 199 * 59 401 613 77591 . ...... 8258: 4129 * . 8260: 7 59 * 6569 . 8262: 17 * . 8264: 1033 * . 8266: 4133 * . .... 8788: 13^3 * 68683 . 8790: 5 293 * 523631 . 8792: 7 157 * . ... 9102: 37 41 *
The Bernoulli Number Page
Oct 12, 2008 ... Bernoulli numbers, Euler numbers, calculations, factorizations of numerator, irregular pairs of higher order.
The Bernoulli Number Page
Oct 12, 2008 ... Bernoulli numbers, Euler numbers, calculations, factorizations of numerator, irregular pairs of higher order.