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Paul Butzi Photography
Equipment Reviews. by Paul Butzi. Is this article useful to you? ... Along the way, I've learned a few lessons about camera equipment, and I'm happy to ...
Paul Butzi Photography
In theory, a large format camera is nothing more than a light tight tube; .... you want to use a bag bellows but can't change the bellows, you're stuck. ...
Paul Butzi Photography
Loading Large Format Film Holders. by Paul Butzi ... When I started using large format, the hurdle of successfully loading film holders loomed large in my ...
Paul Butzi Photography
In theory, a large format camera is nothing more than a light tight tube; you put the lens (and shutter) at one end, the film at the other, ...
Paul Butzi Photography
In theory, a large format camera is nothing more than a light tight tube; you put the lens (and shutter) at one end, the film at the other, ...
Paul Butzi Photography
Some regular bellows are so flexible it doesn't matter - the bellows on the Canham DLC45 is an example. A major bellows issue is length - if you plan on ...
Paul Butzi Photography - EOS-5d
A landscape photographer recounts some experience with the Canon EOS-5d out in the field. ... Holy cable release, Canon, take a ride on the clue bus. ...
Paul Butzi Photography - EOS-5d
A landscape photographer recounts some experience with the Canon EOS-5d out in the field. ... Holy cable release, Canon, take a ride on the clue bus. ...
Paul Butzi Photography -EOS-5d Dynamic Range Testing
When I first got my EOS-5d, I had a little trouble with dynamic range - mostly ... by Canon to Adobe Camera Raw, the problems vanished almost completely. ...
Paul Butzi Photography - EOS-5d
A Landscape Photographer meets the Canon EOS-5d. by Paul Butzi. Is this article useful to you? If you think so,. please consider a voluntary donation. ...
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