Getting Down to Basics of Backyard Basil Cultivation
Getting Down to Basics of Backyard Basil Cultivation. Question: I love growing basil, but I found healthy green worms enthusiastically eating my plants. ...
Q. My navel oranges are splitting. What causes this and how can I ...
Navel oranges usually split when green - from September through November. The split usually starts at the navel end, the weakest point of the rind. ...
Trees for Fall Color
Trees for Fall Color. This information was generated in late 1999. All of these trees are being grown on a local wholesale basis, and can be ordered through ...
Trees Suitable for Planting in Lawns in Contra Costa County
The Contra Costa Master Gardener Office is frequently asked to provide suggestions for trees that are suitable for planting in lawns in our area. ...
Ornamental Salvia
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML will make your life much easier as you try your hand at growing salvia. The. California natives, like other salvias, attract bumblebees, wasps, bees and ...
Become a Master Gardener
Master Gardeners of Contra Costa County provide gardening advice to the home gardener.
Prepare Your Vegetable Garden Now
Prepare Your Vegetable Garden Now. Question: I want to grow some of the food for my family this year. I am new to gardening. Where do I start? ...
Pomegrante Trees Grow Best in Warm, Dry Areas
Apr 14, 2007 ... Pomegrante Trees Grow Best in Warm, Dry Areas. Question: I wanted to plant a pomegranate, and found out that there are more varieties than I ...
Pomegrante Trees Grow Best in Warm, Dry Areas
Apr 14, 2007 ... Answer: You should have no problem growing and fruiting pomegranates in most of the inland areas of Central California if you have warm dry ...
Sudden Oak Death Treatment, Prevention
Aug 2, 2008 ... Sudden Oak Death Treatment, Prevention. Question: Is there an effective spray for Sudden Oak Death? Does the spray hurt other plants or ...