Super-Gold+ Odorless Gap-Filling CA Adhesive
Wood can be bonded to white foam with SUPER-GOLD +™ in less than fifteen seconds. ... Unlike most Cyanoacrylate glues which will attack foam, Super-Gold is ...
Fliton's Extra 330 mini RC Plane
This popular ARF offers hovering and aerobatic abilities small planes simply haven't been able to handle.
Hot RC Planes: Extra 300-E Aerobatic ARF RC Plane by Extreme Flight
The 45 inch wing span of this electric ARF makes it great for both pattern aerobatics and neighborhood flying.
Edge 540T-E ARF by Extreme Flight
Hook & snap hatch makes it fast and easy to reach battery and servos.
Installing the Tettra Pull-Pull Assembly: Easy Crimping
Crimping steps for the Tettra Pull-Pull rudder control system.
Quique Somenzini's 73 Inch YAK-54 Pattern Plane
Building on the 72 inch Yak 54's success, the 73 inch plane has more wing area while weighing about the same.
Quique Somenzini's 73 Inch YAK-54 Pattern Plane
Building on the 72 inch Yak 54's success, the 73 inch plane has more wing area while weighing about the same.
Prop Balancer -- Top Flite Precision Magnetic Balancer
If your prop is out of balance, the heavy blade will swing down to the bottom side. ... Top Flite Precision Magnetic Balancer (Retail: 29.99) only $19.99 ...
Prop Balancer -- Top Flite Precision Magnetic Balancer
Top Flight Precision Magnetic Prop Balancer. Incredible Accuracy! Yet Simple & Easy to Use! Accurately balances props up to 24 Inches ...
Central Hobbies Pattern Planes, Engines, RC Supplies and Equipment
Not just any RC plane (or every aerobatic plane) is fit to fly F3A-FAI ... We sell more YS Engines and YS Engine Parts than anyone else in the world. ...