Masonic Temple
“Every Masonic lodge is a temple of religion, and its teachings are ... As Masons face east toward the 'worshipful master' they face the symbol of the sun ...
Assorted symbols of Freemasonry
On page 241 of his book ' Freemasonry and the ancient gods', Masonic author J.S.M Ward wrote .'the tau cross is also a symbol of the male or creative side ...
Rose Croix
18th degree Rose Croix ceremony on the Thursday before Easter. .... The 18th Degree, the Rose Croix of Heredom, is worked in full, and indeed is one of the ...
Rose Croix
The Rose Croix ritual had consisted of a search for the lost Word, and I, like so many before me, had happily embarked upon it without stopping to think ...
Rose Croix
Knights of the Pelican and Eagle, and Sovereign Prince Rose Croix of Heredom. Many a Mason will seek to defend the compatibility of Freemasonry with ...
Rose Croix
Knights of the Pelican and Eagle, and Sovereign Prince Rose Croix of Heredom ..... for which purpose I declare this Chapter of Princes Rose Croix of Heredom ...
33rd degree
In England and Wales only a few of the 33rd degrees are conferred by special ritual, while in the USA each degree has its own initiation ceremony. ...
33rd degree
The most senior 33rd Degree Mason is known as the 'Most Puissant Sovereign ... claims - I cannot confirm - but his account certainly has the ring of truth) ...
33rd degree
In England only 75 Freemasons can be 33rd degree at one time. Headquarters of Supreme Council 33 Degree is at 10 Duke Street, London. ...
Rose Croix
In October 1617, in Magdeburg, Germany, a meeting was held at which it was formally agreed that the brotherhood of the Rose Croix must maintain the ...