Dynamic desktop deployment
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML Dynamic desktop deployment. Using a Cranberry Smart Client instead of a PC or Thin Client you can: dramatically reduce in-house. •. IT support costs, ...
Business PCs
File Format: Microsoft Excel - View as HTML 28, Source: Powerwatch http://www.powerwatch.org.uk/energy/graham.asp. 29. 30, PC 9 hours per day, 5 days per week, 48 weeks per year, PC 24 hours per day, ...
The Cranberry SC20 Smart Client... Computing just got smarter
This greener PC alternative is designed around the ultra-efficient AMD Geode chipset – the Cranberry SC20 requires just ten per cent of the power of a ...
The Cranberry SC20 Smart Client... Computing just got smarter
Cranberry launches a powerful, energy-efficient and totally manageable Smart Client device that offers businesses a viable alternative to the conventional ...
Business PCs
File Format: Microsoft Excel - View as HTML 37, Total, 408, kWh per annum. 38, 176, kg CO2 per annum. 39. 40. 41, SC20 9 hours per day, 5 days per week, 48 weeks per year ...
UK PRESS RELEASE 3 December 2007 Cranberry launches Smart Client ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML management and security features (including freedom from viruses and spyware) of a thin client device. Due to its ultra‐efficient ...
The Cranberry SC20 Smart Client... Computing just got smarter
This greener PC alternative is designed around the ultra-efficient AMD Geode chipset – the Cranberry SC20 requires just ten per cent of the power of a ...
The Cranberry SC20 Smart Client... Computing just got smarter
Cranberry launches a powerful, energy-efficient and totally manageable Smart Client device that offers businesses a viable alternative to the conventional ...
The Cranberry SC20 Smart Client... Computing just got smarter
Lord Redesdale joins the board of Cranberry UK Limited ... Cranberry UK Limited is a registered producer under the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment ...
The Cranberry SC20 Smart Client... Computing just got smarter
Cranberry launches a powerful, energy-efficient and totally manageable Smart Client device that offers businesses a viable alternative to the conventional ...