Lovely (The Primitives) The original release of Lovely had the PRIMITIVES name in red letters and the US reissue had green/yellow letters. The reissue also contained the song "Way ...
Paul Court (The Primitives) His paintings can be seen and purchased at his site, Joypop Studio. Some of his photography work is shown in the Lomography book, Don't Think*Just Shoot. ...
Primitives Sites (The Primitives) Joypop Studio Paul Court and his artwork · Cabin Studio the Coventry recording studio where The Primitives once recorded and Paul Sampson is still onsite ...
The Primitives, the 80's band who sang CRASH In Memoriam: Primitives founding member, Steve Dullaghan passed away 4 February, 2009. Steve was 45 years old. Thank you, Steve, for being part of our lives ...
Paul Court (The Primitives) After The Primitives disbanded, Paul Court, Tig Williams, and Neil Champion formed Starpower. Tracy Tracy provided vocal work for Starpower's cover of the ...
The Primitives, the 80's band who sang CRASH The Primitives, the 80's band who sang CRASH.
The Primitives, the 80's band who sang CRASH The Primitives, the 80's band who sang CRASH. ... Primitives founding member, Steve Dullaghan passed away 4 February, 2009. Steve was 45 years old. ...
The Primitives, the 80's band who sang CRASH In Memoriam: Primitives founding member, Steve Dullaghan passed away 4 February, 2009. Steve was 45 years old. Thank you, Steve, for being part of our lives ...
The Primitives, the 80's band who sang CRASH The Primitives, the 80's band who sang CRASH. ... Primitives founding member, Steve Dullaghan passed away 4 February, 2009. Steve was 45 years old. ...
Updates (The Primitives) new Paul Court info listed on BAND MEMBERS and PRIMITIVES SITES pages. ---------------------------------- 12.25.02. if you have any music, rarities, ...