John 14.1-14 - OUR "T's" GET CROSSED
We are troubled by a thirteen year old, who is verbally abusive to his mother ... We distrust Jesus. We have no trust in Jesus. Jesus tells us that to know ...
Thursday Theology #247 - A Review of William Lazareth's ...
William Lazareth's book, "Christians in Society: Luther, the Bible and Social Ethics," offers the reader some useful resources, enlightens some aspects of ...
Luke 19:1-10 -- A Do-it-Yourself Study
The Story of Zacchaeus -- Luke 19:1-10 -- A Do-it-Yourself Study -- analysis by Ed Schroeder.
Legal Morality And The Two Kingdoms
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML moral is separable from what is legal is to frustrate morality and ..... legal as well as moral. Many of the things which you and I and our parents formerly ...
The Crossings Community
Seeks to improve Christian ministry in the secular world through educational programs, research, publication, and networking with kindred spirits.
Thursday Theology #296 - Book Review of Martin Marty's MARTIN LUTHER
Thursday Theology #296 -- February 12, 2004 -- Topic: Book Review of Martin Marty's MARTIN LUTHER.
Thursday Theology -- Theology of the Cross or Theology of the ...
It's not a book on Luther's "theology" of the cross. Why? ... A theologian of the cross calls the thing what it actually is," and #24: "Yet that wisdom [sc. ...
Thursday Theology #404 - The History of Medical Missions
Dr. Christoffer Grundmann, in this remarkably detailed and utterly enlightening perspective on medical missions, closes his thesis thusly, ...
Thursday Theology #383 - Discipleship and Spirituality According ...
Thursday Theology #383 -- October 13, 2005 -- Topic: Discipleship and Spirituality According to Luther's Catechisms.
Thursday Theology #558 - A Cake for Seminex's 35th Birthday
Feb 19, 2009 ... Thursday Theology #558 -- February 19, 2009 -- Topic: A Cake for Seminex's 35th Birthday.