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The Dawn of Time
This is the official website of the Dawn of Time mud codebase (Dawn). This site has a list of muds which run on Dawn, development news, downloads of the ...
The Dawn of Time
The Dawn of Time is a MUD codebase developed by Michael Garratt (a.k.a. Kalahn), which was originally based on the ROM codebase. Work began on the Dawn ...
The Dawn of Time
( Player18 [12.0] laston 4 days, .... ( 18 Galius War Human ...
Codebase News - The Dawn of Time
There is no patch file at this stage, and I don't know if there will be (read the ... Full details about the development work are in the change log - follow the .... If running on Win32 you can download a the version 1.1 resolver binary ...
The Dawn of Time
MudFTP/DawnFTP support - lets you edit room descriptions etc. in your ... Optional Remort support (support intergrated into race, class and game edit), ...
The Dawn of Time
( 3 Anvieve Mag Human [11.0] laston 4 weeks, 4 days, ... ( 11 Torpin Pal Human [10.0] laston 3 months, ...
The Dawn of Time
"If this is your first time starting with the Dawn of Time codebase it is strongly recommended that you read the getting started guide at: ...
The Dawn of Time
The Dawn of Time is a MUD codebase developed by Michael Garratt (a.k.a. Kalahn), which was originally based on the ROM codebase. Work began on the Dawn ...
The Dawn of Time
( Player2 [63.3] laston 4 days, 10:44:45 ago. .... 38 secs ( on: Sun Aug 13 09:44:52 [101.0] on 47 secs ...
The Dawn of Time
There are over 40 muds running the Dawn codebase I am aware of, which about 20 are listed on mudconnector. If you want to be listed on the dawn's mud list, ...
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