Welcome to The Drost Project
If you would like to partner with the Project you can make an online tax deductible donation by credit card using this link to the University of Florida ...
Large Fimbrial Cyst.
Several ovarian follicles and a fairly large fimbrial cyst. The latter may be confusing on an ultrasonogram. Source: Roberts SJ (1972) ...
Fimbrial Cyst.
A large fimbrial cyst on the right. These cysts may block the oviduct and prevent the sperm from reaching the ovum / ova. If the blockage is unilateral the ...
Schistosomus Reflexus.
Schistosomus Reflexus. The abdominal wall is open and the vertebral column is reflected back on itself. The circulation is intact allowing the fetus to ...
Marking Harness.
Marking Harness. Marking harness on an androgenized teasing female buffalo. Source: Vale WG (1987). Printable version.
Abdominal Hernia after C-Section.
Abdominal Hernia after C-Section. This late pregnant cow was hit by a car and sustained a large abdominal hernia. She required a cesarean section because of ...
Scrotal Dermatitis - Close-up.
Scrotal Dermatitis - Close-up. Close up of the preceding image. Source: Drost M (1980). Printable version.
Advancing the Ram Probe.
Advancing the Ram Probe. The ram probe is gently advanced into the rectum. Source: Smith MC (2006). Printable version.
Insertion of the Ram Probe.
Insertion of the Ram Probe. The ram probe is inserted into the rectum with the aid of some lubrication. Source: Smith MC (2006). Printable version.
Testicular Varicose Veins.
Testicular Varicose Veins. Abnormal dilation of the veins on the surface of the testis caused by incompetent valves, resulting in impaired drainage of blood ...