Dear ELIG Members and Partners, please find attached our ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML Dear ELIG Members and Partners, please find attached our Newsletter 4 for 2008 – July 2008. First of all - we have again important additions to our group as ...
ELIG | Promoting innovation in learning for Europe
The European Learning Industry Group (ELIG) is an open industry group with members representing the ecosystem for 21st century learning solutions. ...
January 5, 2008 Dear ELIG Member, First of all I wish you and your ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML Dear ELIG Member,. First of all I wish you and your dear ones a good, successful and happy New Year on behalf of the ELIG executive committee and the ELIG ...
Dubai e-Learning Declaration
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML Dubai e-Learning Declaration. 1. Having passionate leadership for the development and adoption of e-learning in all aspects of a K-based modern society ...
ELIG | Promoting innovation in learning for Europe
The European Learning Industry (ELIG) is an open industry group with members ... project : ‘Exploring Markets for eLearning in the Near East & North Africa’ ...
Dubai e-Learning Declaration
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML Dubai e-Learning Declaration. 1. Having passionate leadership for the development and adoption of e-learning in all aspects of a K-based modern society ...
ELIG | Promoting innovation in learning for Europe
The European Learning Industry (ELIG) is an open industry group with members representing the ecosystem for 21st century learning solutions.
Competing in a “Flat” World – Innovation and Openness for Lifelong ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML ICT and thus, support for the Lisbon objectives for growth and jobs. Innovation and Lifelong Learning ..... “flat” world – or, rather, an “open world.” ...
TARGET GROUPS | Promoting innovation in learning for Europe
TARGET GROUPS. The European Learning Industry Group is open to all companies and organisations which support our values and objectives and which are willing ...
ELIG | Promoting innovation in learning for Europe
The European Learning Industry (ELIG) is an open industry group with members representing the ecosystem for 21st century learning solutions.