The Hebrews in Egypt
ABI (2) - a'-bi, in the composition of names ('abhi, "father"): The Hebrew words 'abh, "father," and 'ach, "brother," are used in the forming of names, ...
The Hebrews in Egypt
There is no word for slave in the hieroglyphic language of Egypt, .... In the King James version in Genesis 26:8 e Hebrew word Tsachaq which is interpreted ...
The Nile LOTUS as the Fallopian tube of Africa and Mankind. Fallopian tube ... Constantine was a pagan and remained one until his death. ... Buddhist monks always carry a strand of prayer beads, or rosary, usually of 108 beads. ...
The Olmecs
The Olmecs are represented by those African head statues in Tabasco and Vera Cruz. Amongst the products passed along this route were honey, cotton, corn, ...
The Olmecs
The Olmecs and Washitaw, Black Californians, Jamassee, Califunami and other .... known facts about American history is that along with the American Indians, ...
The Olmecs
The Olmecs. The Olmecs: An African Presence in Early America [Excerpt from a larger article] By Paul A. Barton. 'According to an archeologist who recently ...
The Olmecs
The Black Olmecs were the first to build "Pyramids" in Mexico , although these were built of mud and one was more cone-shaped then actually pyramidal. ...
The Olmecs
The ancient "Olmecs" of Mexico and Mesoamerica are one of the most intriguing civilizations of the Americas . In fact, they are the first civilization in ...
The Olmecs
There is hope, however that the most recent findings of the ancient Olmec calendar and the similarities in race, culture and language with Africans in West ...
The Olmecs
The Olmecs are represented by those African head statues in Tabasco and Vera Cruz. Amongst the products passed along this route were honey, cotton, corn, ...