Quellenangaben. Literatur, in der das Thema behandelt wird:. Holton, J.R., 1992: 'An introduction to Dynamic Meteorology', 3rd ed. ...
potential vorticity map
potential vorticity map. 1997, JANUARY 16, 06 UTC: 500 hPa POTENTIAL VORTICITY Potential Vorticity contours in PV units (10+6 K m s-3 Pa-1). ...
Polar Low Forecasting: Instant Occlusion Animation
Close this window. Speed: ... loading products ... GOES-W 11 µm IR Jan 1981. Produced by the COMET Program. Speed: NOAA. GOES-W 11 µm IR Jan 1981 ...
Conceptual model of warm front band - conveyor belt model
Here are some additional remarks, beyond the explanation of the classical warm front type by the conveyor belt theory: In the case of a band type, ...
Metadata Title: Snow Germany December 1978 Description ...
Dec 29, 1978 ... A stationary front over Schleswig-Holstein with extreme temperature differences caused heavy, long-lasting snowfall over Denmark and ...
* Radiant flux density
The radiant flux density on the plane is the incident radiant flux divided by the area of the plane. This is called the irradiance E.
Landsat July 1977 band 2-3-4
Image segmentation and classification. Image source: NASA Remote Sensing Tutorial.
Scales of Motion
Click on the area in the diagram where you would expect to find Cumulonimbus Convection. Spatial and temporal scales of atmospheric motion.
Quellenangabe. Bücher, in denen das Thema behandelt wird: ... Brown, R.A., 1991: 'Fluid Mechanics of the Atmosphere' Besondere Quellenangaben:
Von Karman Vortex Streets, Canary Islands, 4 April 2001
File Format: Microsoft Word - View as HTML Von Karman Vortex Streets, Canary Islands, 4 April 2001. by: J. Kerkmann (EUMETSAT). The ocean and atmosphere are fluids in constant motion and we are aware ...