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Exodus Mandate
Your contributions are 100% tax deductible - Exodus Mandate Project is a wholly owned project of Frontline Ministries, a tax-exempt, 501 (c) 3 non-profit ...
Exodus Mandate
Removal of precious children from public schools is the mandate from Exodus Mandate, an organization encouraging the enrollment of our children into ...
Order these signs to place in front of your church, Christian school, in your yard, as well as high traffic areas in your city (with permission). ...
Priority of Kingdom Education Begins by Starting Christian Schools ...
The proud parents of a newborn listen intently as the pastor prays for their commitment to raise their first child in the admonition of the Lord.
School Shootings Stirring Christians to Rethink Education
A veteran educator believes recent public school violence is awakening people to the line of demarcation between secular and Christian education.
Exodus Mandate
California Governor Schwarzenegger signed legislation mandating that public school children be indoctrinated to accept as normal the homosexual lifestyle ...
Jehonadab - The Greatest Dad in the Bible... by E. Ray Moore, Jr.
Dec 10, 2001 ... As we consider the important and absolutely necessary role of fathers, it is incumbent upon us to consider successful dads in the Scriptures ...
Exodus Mandate Assisting Alpha Omega with Distribution of Curriculum
Families who are victims of Hurricane Katrina and churches that are interested in receiving AOP's curriculum should contact one of the following ...
Exodus Mandate
2007-10-11: Exodus Mandate Celebrates 10 Years in Homeschooling Movement ... 2007-08-23 : COLUMBIA, SC, /Christian Newswire/ -- Frontline Ministries will be ...
Exodus Mandate
2007-08-23 : COLUMBIA, SC, /Christian Newswire/ -- Frontline Ministries will ... to Mobilize Experienced Christian Homeschoolers and Local Support Groups. ...
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