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Ford Equity Research - Independent, Unbiased Equity Research
Ford Equity Research is an independent, unbiased equity research firm with one objective: improving investment performance.
Ford Equity Research - Independent, Unbiased Equity Research
Ford Equity Research is an independent, unbiased equity research firm with one objective: improving investment performance.
Ford Equity Research - Ford Special Studies
This study updates and reviews the performance of Ford's Selected Stock List, a model portfolio published monthly since August 30, 1974 in the Ford ...
Price Momentum – a Predictive Model for Style and Sector ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML highest to lowest momentum sectors still shows the ability of 1-year price change to predict macro industry sector performance fairly well. ...
Ford Equity Research - Independent, Unbiased Equity Research
Ford Equity Research is an independent, unbiased equity research firm with one objective: improving investment performance.
Ford Equity Research - The Quantitative Validation Process™
At Ford Equity Research, we base everything on publicly available numbers, because we think facts yield the best results. Our proprietary research and model ...
Ford Equity Research - Independent, Unbiased Equity Research
Ford Equity Research is an independent, unbiased equity research firm with one ... with the time and resources you dedicate to the research process? ...
Ford Equity Research - Articles and Interviews
Ford Equity Research Team Relies on the Fundamentals ... CNN Money Morning Interview: Correcting Brokerage Firm Research Problems ...
Ford Equity Research - Models Overview - Value
This model combines acceleration of earnings growth with relative value and price momentum. Ford's Earnings Momentum, IBES Standard Unexpected Earnings, ...
Ford Equity Research - Models Overview - Price Momentum
Price Momentum, introduced in August 1991, is a near-term stock price performance indicator with most performance occurring in the following month to ...
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