KS&A | Find a Support Group or Chapter in Your Local Area
Once you have accepted the Terms of Service, in order to find the support group that is nearest to you, simply enter your zip code, or search by keyword. ...
KS&A | Klinefelter Syndrome
Are 47,XXY and Klinefelter syndrome the same thing? If all persons with the set of symptoms described by Dr. Klinefelter had an extra X chromosome, ...
KS&A | Other X and/or Y Chromosome Aneuploidies
And boys, who are born with an extra Y chromosome are referred to as 47,XYY. In addition, there are a number of other X and/or Y conditions including up to ...
KS&A | XYY syndrome
... et. al., “Evidence for the Existence of the Human “Super Female,” Lancet, ... Don't use this information to diagnose or develop a treatment plan for a ...
KS&A | Trisomy X
Accordingy, women born with an extra X chromosome are referred to as Trisomy X, Triple X or 47,XXX. Do 47,XXY and Trisomy X have much in common? ...
KS&A | Reading List for Trisomy X (47,XXX)
KS&A’s Director of Scientific Communication Services has been working diligently to compile a list of resources concerning Trisomy X for this Website, ...
KS&A | Annotated Reading Lists
The annotated reading lists for 47,XXY and Klinefelter syndrome, Trisomy X (47,XXX) and 47,XYY syndrome represent a portion of the Minds-On Data library ...
Genetic Org
KS&A is the nation’s oldest and largest non-profit organization serving individuals and families affected by an uncommon number of X and/or Y chromosomes, ...
Welcome to KS&A
image. Visit www.findjasonholley.com for the latest updates and information ... Are you looking for information on Klinefelter Syndrome or other X and/or Y ...
Welcome to KS&A
Are you looking for information on Klinefelter Syndrome or other X and/or Y chromosome conditions? ... 1989 - 2009 Klinefelter Syndrome and Associates, Inc. ...