Simple Pie Chart
In this example, a very simple pie chart is created demonstrating the basic steps in creating pie charts. ... Generate the chart using the PieChart method. ...
Simple Pie Chart
usr/bin/perl. use GraphMagic;. # Create chart properties my $p = new GraphMagic();. $p->SetImageSize( 320, 320 );. # Set pie center and radius ...
GraphMagic - Graph & Chart Web Service API
GraphMagic is a powerful software graphics library (API) for creating professional charts and graphs for both web and standalone applications.
Multi-Layer Chart
Create chart object my $c = new GraphMagic( "http://service.graphmagic.com/GMService/GraphMagic.asmx" );. # Set chart title. $c->{Title} = "Multi-Layer ...
GraphMagic - Graph & Chart Web Service API
GraphMagic is a powerful software graphics library (API) for creating professional charts and graphs for both web and standalone applications.
GraphMagic - Graph & Chart Web Service API
GraphMagic is a powerful software graphics library (API) for creating professional charts and graphs for both web and standalone applications.
Multi-Bar Chart
<Title>Overlay Bar Chart</Title> --> <ShowLegend>false</ShowLegend> ... <double>2</double> <double>6</double> <double>5</double> </Values> <Name ...
Simple Chart in SOAP
To help you understand the SOAP that is generated when building specific charts, we have a Windows application that allows you to point-and-click to create ...
GraphMagic - Graph & Chart Web Service API
GraphMagic is a powerful software graphics library (API) for creating professional charts and graphs for both web and standalone applications.
GraphMagic - Graph & Chart Web Service API
GraphMagic is a powerful software graphics library (API) for creating professional charts and graphs for both web and standalone applications.