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Habatat Galleries
1999 Florida Collects, St Petersburg Museum of Fine Ar Undercurrent/Overview, Tampa Museum of Art ... Meese Hospital Foundation Arbor Vitae Awards ...
Welcome to Habatat Galleries
Habatat Galleries, established in 1971, has through the years built a solid reputation for quality with private collectors, artists, museums, art ...
Welcome to Habatat Galleries
Habatat Galleries, established in 1971, has through the years built a solid reputation for quality with private collectors, artists, museums, art ...
Welcome to Habatat Galleries
Habatat Galleries, established in 1971, has through the years built a solid reputation for quality with private collectors, artists, museums, art ...
Welcome to Habatat Galleries
The galleries' focus is on assisting clients with building major art ... The Florida gallery has been in its current location for over 20 years and runs 2 ...
Welcome to Habatat Galleries
Habatat Galleries, established in 1971, has through the years built a solid reputation for quality with private collectors, artists, museums, ...
Habatat Galleries
The launch of Renata Crowe's Crowe Street Design Studio in 2004 combined her existing career as a successful milliner with her new infatuation with glass ...
Habatat Galleries
2004 The States Fund for the endowment of fine art, Travel grants (Santa Fe Symposium NM, Solo show at Mobilia Gallery, Cambridge MA and SOFA New Yourk) USA ...
Habatat Galleries
1996 "Textile Techniques in Metal" Mobilia Gallery, Cambridge, MA, USA. ... 1997 "The Teapot Redefined" Mobilia Gallery, Cambridge, USA. ...
Habatat Galleries
1996 "Textile Techniques in Metal" Mobilia Gallery, Cambridge, MA, USA. ... 1998 "Souvenir - Out of Denmark" DesignYard, Dublin, Ireland. ...
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