Writing press releases
Here is a sample of the press release I'm using to promote my new collection. This one is mostly geared toward book store owners to entice them to carry the ...
Green Park Paranormal Conference
East Hall Dormitory on the Appalachian State University campus in Boone has ... Tate Dormitory and Carson Library on the Lees-McRae College campus in Banner ... Rock Conference Center, which gave kind permission to allow a paranormal ...
Horror Movies
April Hicks, a clerk at Movie Gallery, said most modern horror movies recycle the same plots over and over, so she tries to seek out something different. ...
Scary stories
“Scary stories fill in the blanks of our lives,” said Raleigh writer and ... Joseph Nassise, president of the Horror Writers Association and author of ...
Green Park Inn
The five-member crew brought technical equipment such as electromagnetic field (EMF) recorders, digital audio recorders, digital thermometers, cameras, ...
Thank You For The Flowers
Thank You For The Flowers Thirteen stories of suspense and imagination from award-winning author Scott Nicholson Autographed copies available half price! ...
FBI Profiler
He went through about three months of training in Quantico with the goal of being a profiler. He worked under John Douglas, FBI agent who was believed to ...
Scots-Irish in Appalachia
The Scots-Irish heritage celebrated in the Appalachian mountains often seems heavier ... In truth, Appalachian music is a blend of a number of influences, ...
The Seeds of Belief
Seeds planted under Virgo will result in many leaves but not much fruit. ... Grass seed won't freeze if planted when the moon points down. ...
Writing press releases
Here is a sample of the press release I'm using to promote my new collection. This one is mostly geared toward book store owners to entice them to carry the ...