Flat Frames
The next series will not be initiated until the blue flats are acquired. If series order is unchecked, each dusk flat planned will be tried to see it the ...
KAI - 1003M
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat A surface can never be perfectly clean, but contamination of the cover glass can be lowered to an acceptable level with proper cleaning procedures. ...
Plate solve exposure
Plate solving consists of using star pattern matching against a given stellar catalog to calculate the coordinates of the center of a given image. ...
Image Acquisition and Processing Techniques
The process begins with a plate solve of the target location, a slew to a magnitude 4 - 7 focus star with optional plate solving to center it in the FOV and ...
Hidden Loft Observatory
John Smith, trying to live Rule 42 Tucson, AZ, June 27, 2006. Content and images are Copyright © 2001-2008 John C. Smith. No reproduction of these images is ...
Hidden Loft Observatory
The Hidden Loft Observatory arose from a desire to have a permanent ... DarkSky Web Solutions, Welcome to the home page of the Hidden Loft Observatory. ... As a result of this interest, I have designed and built an observatory as part ...
Apogee Alta U16M
Nov 29, 2007 ... All Apogee cameras have a standard two-year warranty and a lifetime guarantee against condensation in the camera. The sensor is sealed into ...
Apogee Alta U16M
Nov 29, 2007 ... Recently, I have had the opportunity to evaluate an Apogee Alta U16M. Apogee has been making large format cameras for a number of years and ...
Paramount ME Impressions
I received my Paramount ME on May 13, 2002. First light was May 16, 2002. As I go through the setup, I’ll document my findings and thoughts here. ...
Dithering Techniques
Feb 17, 2005 ... Dithering is a technique that consists of slightly moving the telescope between exposures to reduce some types of CCD sensor noise such as ...