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Organic Listing Variations
Percussion Ensembles, 3 Players
Musser’s “Fantasy on Yankee Doodle” is based on a transcription of Vieuxtemp’s “Souvenir d'Amérique Opus 17” (for violin and piano) which was a set of ...
Solos, Marimba & Xylophone with accompaniment
Quartet instrumentation: xylophone, bells, vibraphone, snare and bass drum. .... solo xylophone and symphony orchestra is also available on a rental basis] ...
Sacred & Holiday Music for Percussion
Tour de force for solo marimba in three movements! .... Could be conceived of as a parody, or a tribute to Riverdance - depending on one's frame of ...
Vibraphone Solos
Challenging and unique vibraphone solo with tape. Solo and tape accompaniment patterns are active both melodically and rhythmically - Latin/fusion-like ...
Marimba & Vibraphone Duets
A great up-tempo marimba duet - this piece can be played on one 5-octave instrument (it can also easily be adapted to a 4 1/3 octave instrument). ...
Marimba & Xylophone Solos
This is a highly rhythmic and driving marimba solo that conveys the "columns of sound" carried in an urban setting. This challenging four-mallet work would ...
Solos, Marimba & Xylophone with accompaniment
Fallen Peace for Marimba & String Quartet Marimba solo, score & string parts: $25.00. Jessica Muñiz Sound sample. An audience friendly work with an ...
Snare Drum Methods & Collections
As a basic snare drum “primer,“ this very accessible and versatile method book is designed to help introduce young students to the “Total Percussion” ...
Snare Drum Solos
Unique piece for solo snare drum and tape. Rodeo contemplates the different pronunciations of the title [ro-dee-o and ro-day-o] in both a very abstract ...
Vibraphone Solos
A challenging jazz waltz which can be performed on either vibraphone or marimba. .... Three Sonorous Pictures $15.00. Luigi Morleo ...
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