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Book history workshop 2008 : courses offered
The Book History Workshop, organised by the Institut d'histoire du livre, is the European ... The course is in English, discussion in English and French. ...
Home page (English)
The Institut d'histoire du livre organises conferences, seminars and the Book History Workshop with the aim of providing an interdisciplinary framework for ...
Typography and calligraphy<br>part one: 1450-1830
Gray, Nicolete 19th century ornamented typefaces. London, 1976. (Revised edition of: Nineteenth century ornamented types and title pages. London, 1938.) ...
Type, lettering and calligraphy<br>part two :<br> 1830-2000
*Nicolete Gray, Nineteenth century ornamented typefaces. London, 1976. Revised edition of, XIXth century ornamented types and title pages, London, ...
Gothic illuminated manuscripts in the history of the book
This course is an introduction to the study of Gothic manuscripts in Western Europe, especially but not exclusively in France. ...
Sharp 2004<br>programme
Beth Luey, president of Sharp. Henri-Jean Martin, emeritus professor, Ecole nationale des chartes, .... Annual general meeting of SHARP. During lunch ...
Gothic illuminated manuscripts in the history of the book
This course is an introduction to the study of Gothic manuscripts in Western Europe, especially but not exclusively in France. ...
Itinéraire culturel du livre : page d'interrogation (fr)
- [ Translate this page ]Itinéraire culturel du livre. Répertoire des musées du livre en Europe. Vous pouvez entrer un ou plusieurs critères de recherche. ...
SHARP 2004<br>intervenants et résumés<br>S - Z
Le musée de l’imprimerie de Lyon a acquis en 1964 une exceptionnelle ...... Board (PANSALB) was instituted by the government "to encourage the best use of the .... À ce titre, l’exemple de la Société des écrivains canadiens est probant. ..... Th
Introduction to analytical bibliography
Contains essays by Giles Barber, Nicolas Barker, Jean-Daniel Candaux, Nina Catach, H. Gaston Hall, Allan Holland, Wallace Kirsop, Paule Koch, Roger Laufer, ...
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