Decision Tree Analysis Using ODBCMine
ODBCMine generates decision trees from ODBC databases using the C4.5 ... set up the sample miningdb.mdb database as an ODBC data source named miningdb). ...
Decision Tree Analysis Using ODBCMine
ODBCMine generates decision trees from ODBC databases using the C4.5 data-mining ... golf.bat (sample command line to run the golfing decision example) ...
Decision Tree Analysis Using ODBCMine
ODBCMine generates decision trees from ODBC databases using the C4.5 data-mining algorithm.
Decision Tree Analysis Using ODBCMine
ODBCMine provides a command-line interface that allows analysis of any table or view within an ODBC data source. The resulting decision tree is written as ...
Decision Tree Analysis Using ODBCMine
ODBCMine writes decision trees in SVG format. We recommend downloading and installing the Adobe SVG Viewer plug-in for viewing SVG files using your internet ...
Merging Database Data into XML: ODBC2XML
This version comes with an embedded XML parser (James Clark's expat parser), and requires Windows 95, 98, or Windows NT, and one or more ODBC drivers (not ...
Merging Database Data into XML: ODBC2XML
ODBC2XML merges database data into XML documents. ... ODBC2XML is a database publisher that merges data from any ODBC data source into XML documents. ...
DTDChart: XML Document Structure Charts
DTDChart draws graphical structure charts for any XML DTD. It is intended to help XML document analysts and DTD designers visualize the document structures ...
DrawTag: XML Tree Diagrams
For example, here is a tree diagram for a simple memo in XML format. Elements are shown highlighted in gray; attributes are shown as "@name=value", ...
DrawTag: XML Tree Diagrams
For example, here is a tree diagram for a simple memo in XML format. Elements are shown highlighted in gray; attributes are shown as "@name=value", ...