Services Update: What Does The Carrier Landscape Look Like for MAN ...
File Format: Microsoft Powerpoint - View as HTML Services Update: What Does The Carrier Landscape Look Like for MAN/WAN Services. 5-May-2004. Irwin Lazar. Senior Analyst, Burton Group ...
Irwin Lazar's "Real-Time" Blog: Treo 650 Screen Repair
It's often said that the real power of the Internet is that it empowers individuals. The other day while on my way out the door to head to the office I ...
Irwin Lazar's "Real-Time" Blog: Silver Lake and TPG Capital Buy Avaya
It's official - Avaya Enters Into Merger Agreement With Silver Lake and TPG Capital. We'll issue an Impact Analysis on this announcement at ...
Irwin Lazar's "Real-Time" Blog: Cisco UCM 5.0 Roll-Out Blog
1 post - 1 authorThose of you planning to roll out Cisco's latest Unified CallManager 5.0 should check out Shane Sheppard's blog. Shane has been blogging his organization's ...
Irwin Lazar's "Real-Time" Blog: Treo 650 Screen Repair
It's often said that the real power of the Internet is that it empowers individuals. The other day while on my way out the door to head to the office I ...
Irwin Lazar's "Real-Time" Blog
Blogging on VOIP, unified communications, presence, and collaboration.
Irwin Lazar's "Real-Time" Blog: IT Roadmap Washington D.C. - Web ...
Nov 12, 2007. IT Roadmap Washington D.C. - Web 2.0 Track ... Listed below are links to weblogs that reference IT Roadmap Washington D.C. - Web 2.0 Track: ...
Irwin Lazar's "Real-Time" Blog: Stowe Boyd: Facebook Is ...
See: Facebook Is Bankrupting Our Business! Shut It Down! Shut It Down! As Stowe notes, we've heard this refrain countless...
Irwin Lazar's "Real-Time" Blog
Blogging on VOIP, unified communications, presence, and collaboration.
Irwin Lazar's "Real-Time" Blog: Upcoming webinar on video conferencing
1 post - 1 authorI'm presenting the following webinar next week, registration is free: ------------------- Nemertes Upcoming Webinar: Seeing Through The Recession With Video ...