Polymer Clay FAQ | Stone Clays
Stone Fimo comes in six colors: lapis lazuli (dark blue), granite (gray), china jade (pale green), rose quartz (pink), jasper (brown), and turquoise (light ...
The Polymer Clayspot | Making Faux Turquoise
A technique for making 'turquoise' from polymer clay.
Polymer Clay FAQ | Using Molds
(When using a soft plastic mold, make sure to clean the clay residue off it after use ... The process works just like making a clay item from a push mold, ...
Polymer Clay FAQ | Welcome
All you need to create polymer clay pieces is your hands and an oven. Clay artists use various kinds of equipment to make working with the clay easier and ...
Polymer Clay FAQ | Storage
Thin pieces sometimes do break or chip. If your clay piece will be handled a ... You can also store finished pieces (unfired) and unsliced canes this way. ...
WELL Board Resignation
Once, long ago, on an online service far, far away...
Waco Search Warrant
Search warrant and related documents for the February 25th, 1993 raid on the ... She stored the gun parts in her garage because she felt certain that Howell ...
Polymer Clay FAQ | Using the Pasta Machine
How to use a pasta machine as a tool for working with polymer clay.
The Polymer Clayspot | Making Faux Turquoise
Natural turquoise varies in color from an intense sky blue to paler blue to .... Faux turquoise goes well with dark colors - black, terra cotta, ...
Polymer Clay FAQ | Jewelry
Making polymer clay into beads and jewelry. ... Most polymer clay beads are rather heavy, so you need a durable material for stringing. ...