Jon Kessler Archive
Techno-chatchkas aren't usually my cup of tea, but Jon Kessler's latest ones are ... It relies on a flawless sense of lighting and timing as well as form. ...
Jon Kessler Archive
If I do not include Jon Kessler and The Palace at 4 A.M. [7] in this category, ..... But they see direct transmissions of individual scenes in poor quality, ...
Jon Kessler
The official website of mixed media sculptor Jon Kessler. Features images, articles, video and biographical information.
Jon Kessler
The official website of mixed media sculptor Jon Kessler. Features images, articles, video and biographical information.
Jon Kessler Archive
Its cylinders and partial cylinders of steel mesh and glass recall the urban ... object in it smacks of the homely and familiar rather then the high-tech. ... A black steel box and a revolving cylinder covered with spiked prongs sit on ...
Jon Kessler Archive
If I do not include Jon Kessler and The Palace at 4 A.M. [7] in this category ..... ask whether Kessler is not also acting as if the camera obscura model of ...
Jon Kessler
The official website of mixed media sculptor Jon Kessler. Features images, articles, video and biographical information.
Jon Kessler
The official website of mixed media sculptor Jon Kessler. Features images, articles, video and biographical information.
Jon Kessler
The official website of mixed media sculptor Jon Kessler. Features images, articles, video and biographical information.
Jon Kessler
The official website of mixed media sculptor Jon Kessler. Features images, articles, video and biographical information.