Star Trek Zinedex(TOS) - Authors (K) Karen Klink. "A Peaceful Shore Leave" Obsc'zine #3, May 1978 (p.74): Kirk spends shore leave with an attractive Klingon -- all as a set up for a pun ...
Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Authors (H) Daphne Hamilton. Alternate Universe 4 #2: "The Debt," 1976, 140p. (with Virginia Tilley , Anna Mary Hall & Shirley Maiewsky): My same criticisms apply to ...
DeForest Kelley Filmography: Home Page Annotated filmography of DeForest Kelley's non-Star Trek credits. ... Also listed on the IMDB Kelley filmography. Kelley is not in it. ...
DeForest Kelley Filmography: Home Page Annotated filmography of DeForest Kelley's non-Star Trek credits.
Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Authors (H) She compares sorrows with Kirk, and they get permission to collect Dival, .... Kirk first learned of David when the boy was five; Carol keeps putting off ...
Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Authors (H) She compares sorrows with Kirk, and they get permission to collect Dival, a Light Fleet telepathic .... Richard Heim, Jr. "Apostasy" Berengaria #1, Sept. ...
DeForest Kelley Filmography: Annotated Television and Movie ... 1998 Video Movie: The Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars - Viking 1 (voice). Role: ***Major **Significant *Minor, As Goldstone, "I Never Said Goodbye" ...
Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Authors (A) 1. McCoy / Yeoman Tonia Barrows series (NC-17): Very explicit; also fun, kinda cute, and reasonably in-character. "Classic Education" 2003, 4p. Tonia sends ...
DeForest Kelley Filmography: Annotated Television and Movie ... Western anthology based on fact and lore of the Death Valley area and ... Spring Byington (housekeeper Daisy Cooper), Dennis Holmes (orphan boy Mike) ...
Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Authors (B) Jean Barron. "For If Dreams Die" Log Entries #23, April 1979 (p.24-36): Kirk manages to rescue Spock from a collapsed building, but in the process becomes ...