Ar_Te's entry | Tacos [Lang-8]
The taco in the right is “taco al pastor”, the left one is a “taco de alambre”. “Alambre” is some meat with pepper, onion and cheese. ...
nekoneko's entry | Pasmo, Suica and Oyster card [Lang-8]
- [ Translate this page ]そして、Suica と ICOCA、Suica と PASMO、ICOCA と PiTaPa にはそれぞれ互換性がありますが、Suica と PiTaPa、ICOCA と PASMO には互換性がありません。 ...
roko's entry | my cat peed on my bed..... [Lang-8]
2008/Nov/05 15:44:06 (UTC). my cat peed on my bed..... - 2008/Nov/05 15:44:06 (UTC). Almost every morning I'm having breakfast with my cat. ...
limit's entry | MAY DAY [Lang-8]
Mayday Orchestra in the establishment of the Youth Day in 1997, originated in Taipei, Taiwan. Mayday is the predecessor of the SoBand, is made up of four ...
あんこ's entry | Uighur People [Lang-8]
- [ Translate this page ]They eat carrot fried rice, ram noodles, ram stewed, etc. Uighur women put a scarf on their head. In the Muslim countries, women avoid tourists from taking ...
ken's entry | Chicken kebab [Lang-8]
Maybe UK people like lam meat. Actually, there are so many sheep around the UK! ... But I am not used to lam meat, so usually I eat chicken one. ...
tarotttt's entry | FANTASTIC 4 (DVD / 2005) [Lang-8]
FANTASTIC 4 (DVD / 2005) - 2008/Dec/19 15:51:18 (UTC). FANTASTIC 4 (DVD / 2005) - 2008/Dec/19 ... http://www.fox.co.uk/trailers/fantasticfour-10004/2/ > ...
tarotttt's entry | FANTASTIC 4 (DVD / 2005) [Lang-8]
FANTASTIC 4 (DVD / 2005) - 2008/Dec/19 15:51:18 (UTC). FANTASTIC 4 (DVD / 2005) - 2008/Dec/19 ... http://www.fox.co.uk/trailers/fantasticfour-10004/2/ > ...
tarotttt's entry | FANTASTIC 4 (DVD / 2005) [Lang-8]
I watched a DVD : "FANTASTIC 4". I like it. I had fun with it. There was a man who had a ability: he can stretch his body like rubber. ...
piroshiki's entry | Reading books and its speed [Lang-8]
There are rapid reading seminers in Japan,but usually they cost so much.(maybe over ¥100000 for 2 or 3days' training).If they surely improves my speed of ...