Natural Resource Management
Regional Conference : Jatropha as a tool to combat energy poverty. Bamako, 16-17 January 2006 .... Jatropha conference brochure in English (570 kB) ...
Natural Resource Management
Organised by the Ministry of Energy in cooperation with MFC (Mali-Folkecenter) with support from FACT FOundation and ECOWAS. Jatropha can be one of the ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat The new Malian Jatropha press – regional implications. Jatropha(right) is an oil bearing plant, common in Mali, Senegal, Ghana, and ...
Natural Resource Management - Jatropha
Jatropha for soap making (part of Sinsinbéré project, Finnida) Training rural women in the production of different types of soap using Jatropha. ...
MFC Nyetaa | Mali Folkecenter | Jatropha | Renewable Energy ...
Due to achievements on the ground working with rural and peri-urban populations for sustainable development, Mali-Folkecenter signed a protocol-agreement ...
MFC Nyetaa | Mali Folkecenter | Jatropha | Renewable Energy ...
Mali-Folkecenter's mission is to promote the sustainable management of natural resources and the use of these resources to catalyse local economic growth ...
MFC Nyetaa | Mali Folkecenter | Jatropha | Renewable Energy ...
MFC also participates in energy & environment policy work with the Malian government. Due to achievements on the ground working with rural and peri-urban ...
Natural Resource Management
... Ibrahim Togola, and Mathias Nordstrom (Swedish Environmental Institute) (right). The conference split into 3 working groups in the afternoon to discuss: ...
Natural Resource Management
The Jatropha plant and its properties. Jatropha is an oil bearing plant, ... Jatropha is very fast growing: plants grown from seed take 2 years to produce ...
MFC Nyetaa | Mali Folkecenter | Jatropha | Renewable Energy ...
Due to achievements on the ground working with rural and peri-urban populations for sustainable development, Mali-Folkecenter signed a protocol-agreement ...