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File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML indicator organisms, and details classical methods to isolate and identify these microorganisms. Unfortunately, the objectionable organisms & methods ...
Registration for 2009 PMF Conference on Microbiology Validation ...
2009 PMF Conference on Validation in Microbiology Puerto Rico Sessions. Home Page | Register Now | Speakers| Schedule | Exhibitors | Sessions ...
2008 PMF Bacterial Endotoxin Summit - San Francisco
In preparation for this year’s Summit, we’ve researched FDA 483 citations and Warning Letters from the last five years to determine what endotoxin-related ...
Speaker Bios - 2009 PMF Validation Conference - Puerto Rico Sessions
As Vice President of Laboratory Services, Rick oversees the Perritt Laboratories ... Perritt Laboratories performs testing on a variety of samples; ...
2008 PMF Bacterial Endotoxin Summit - San Francisco
Providing a full range of education, training and conference planning services: event planning, communications and marketing to post-event analysis.
Pharmaceutical Microbiology Forum (PMF)
The PMF sponsors a public mail list with The Microbiology Network. This mail list - the PMFList - is devoted to topics of interest to microbiologists ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML quality systems for the microbiology lab, lab design, technology transfer, and recent product recalls involving microbiology ...
Exhibitor Registration - 2009 PMF Conference on GMP - Puerto Rico ...
The purpose of this meeting is to provide a forum for the sharing of questions, answers and information on current topics in GMP for the Microbiology ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML or via e-mail at RD @ USP.org. When communicating with Dr. Dabbah, let him know you are a PMF member. Look for Supplement 10 around March, 1999. It becomes ...
Pharmaceutical Microbiology Forum (PMF)
PMF provides a forum for pharmaceutical microbiologists to exchange information on microbiological issues in the pharmaceutical, personal products and ...
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