Tracking Captivate Quizzes and Assessments in Articulate Presenter ...
Notes: Doing this bypasses the use of Articulate Presenters LMS integration code, and relies entirely upon using Captivate LMS integration code. ...
Tracking Captivate Quizzes and Assessments in Articulate Presenter ...
Do you have any advice on creating a Captivate movie, publishing it as SCORM or AICC, importing into Articulate, publishing, then loading into Moodle? ...
Adobe Presenter deletes Articulate Presenter project files ...
Even after removing Articulate Presenter, Adobe Presenter still continued to delete ... I am on the fence between Adobe Presenter and Articulate Presenter. ...
Welcome to Dave’s Blog | Dave Mozealous
I have been trying to unsuccessfully put an articulate presenter SCORM output to work in moodle 1.8 hosted on godaddy. Not sure what the problem is - i have ...
Dave Mozealous' Articulate Blog
http://www.articulate.com/blog/how-to-get-perfect-screenshots-in-presenter-09/. I often see questions in the forums about how to get the best looking ...
Dave Mozealous' Articulate Blog - Part 2
In Articulate Presenter we allow you to insert Web Objects on a slide. .... I just installed the WPTouch Wordpress plugin for my blog. ...
Tracking Captivate Quizzes and Assessments in Articulate Presenter ...
So a couple of people have asked me lately if it is possible to track Captivate Quizzes and Assessments that have been inserted into Articulate Presenter in ...
Publish to Articulate Online | Dave Mozealous
When we designed Articulate Online we definitely saw this as a problem that we didn’t want Articulate Online users to experience. ...
Tracking Captivate Quizzes and Assessments in Articulate Presenter ...
Notes: Doing this bypasses the use of Articulate Presenters LMS integration code, and relies entirely upon using Captivate LMS integration code. ...
Dave Mozealous' Articulate Blog
Essential Articulate Studio ‘09 is designed to help novice to intermediate users of .... http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templates/TC103382691033.aspx? ...