A Study of Habitat Structure and Macroinvertebrate Communities of ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML Restoration of the Black Water at Rhinefield was, for the most part, completed in the .... Extence and Chadd (1996) have assigned rarity values ...
New Forest LIFE projects home page (Hosted by New Forest National ...
The New Forest cSAC is one of the most important sites for wildlife in the United Kingdom and is widely recognised as being of exceptional importance for ...
New Forest LIFE III Restoration
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML Observations made along semi-natural rivers in the New. Forest, UK suggest the presence of particular suites of landforms on the floodplain that owe their ...
Welcome to the New Forest LIFE II project
The New Forest LIFE II Project 'Securing Natura 2000 Objectives in the New Forest', was one of the largest and most complex multi-agency projects ever ...
New Forest Special Area of Conservation Management Plan 2001
The Management Plan provides for the long-term sustainable management of the New Forest cSAC with conservation as its first priority. ...
Final Technical Report
The contents of the online Final Technical report for the Project is shown below. (The Introduction Section 1 and the Overall Project Section 2 have been ...
Introduction to the New Forest Wetlands Project
The New Forest is the largest site, not only in lowland England but in western Europe, where heathland, grassland, mire and pasture woodland habitats ...
Project Objectives
The overall objectives of the project are: •, to restore the priority interest features of the New Forest SAC and their supporting adjacent habitats in ...
Project Objectives
New Forest LIFE 2 project - Securing Natura 2000 Objectives in the New Forest · New Forest LIFE 3 project -Sustainable Wetland Restoration in the New Forest ...
Project Objectives
New Forest LIFE 2 project - Securing Natura 2000 Objectives in the New Forest · New Forest LIFE 3 project -Sustainable Wetland Restoration in the New Forest ...