Oregon Bach Festival :: Stangeland Family Youth Choral Academy You'll be with 80 of the best singers in the country, making great friends, learning through seminars and rehearsals, seeing Oregon Bach Festival concerts, ...
Oregon Bach Festival :: Friends of the Festival Discount Contributing Friends of the Festival at the $100 level or above receive 10% discount to qualifying concerts with ticket purchase of up to three concerts in ...
Oregon Bach Festival :: OBF Performance Events 7:30 pm | Beall Concert Hall. Bach, Vivaldi, and Handel are the featured composers as OBF stalwarts Elizabeth Baker, violin, Allan Vogel, oboe, ...
Oregon Bach Festival :: Eugene, Oregon Oregon Bach Festival. Performance Breathtaking masterworks for chorus and orchestra. Rare and surprising gems from the vast and emerging ...
Oregon Bach Festival :: Chorus Auditions OBF Chorus Auditions. The Oregon Bach Festival Chorus is a professional ensemble of 54 vocalists from across the United States and abroad. ...
Oregon Bach Festival :: SFYCA :: Audition Tips When you audition for one of the 82 spots in the SFYCA, your key to success is preparation. Whether you audition in person or submit a recorded audition, ...
Oregon Bach Festival :: Master Class in Conducting Applications are now being accepted for the 2009 master class, June 24-July 12, for conducting participants (by audition) and non-conducting auditors. ...
Oregon Bach Festival :: OBF Tickets Now on Sale Tickets for the 2009 Oregon Bach Festival are now on sale for a season of "Themes and Variations" with favorite works by Bach, Haydn, Handel, ...
Oregon Bach Festival A summer festival held in Eugene, Oregon, directed by Helmuth Rilling. Booking information and schedules of concerts and master classes.
Oregon Bach Festival :: Eugene, Oregon Ticket orders are now accepted online and by mail for the 2009 Oregon Bach Festival, with priority through March 20 for Friends of the Festival members. ...