Pallottis Werk Report
Extract from Pallottis Werk 2/2001 ... The solemn Mass has now started in which the Pallottines of Australia together with their friends give thanks for the ...
Pallottines into glory Preparations for our Pallottine Youth Encounter
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML and received it with a strong and joyful song. Later that day he gave up his spirit to the Lord. Preparations for our Pallottine Youth Encounter. (PYE) ...
Tardun History 01
At the Beagle Bay mission a great deal of work awaited the new team. Food and clothing were needed for the children. Some of them lived in dormitories. ...
Dampier Peninsula
Christopher Saunders, in 1996 by merging two parishes on the Peninsula: Lombadina-Djarindjin and Beagle Bay. Dampier Peninsula has a historical significance ...
UAC Scholarship Application Form
Forward the completed application form, including names and contact details of two referees by the close of business on 24th April 2009 to. UAC Executive ...
Pallotti College
Pallotti College is a Retreat Centre nestled in the foothills of Mt. Donna Buang, approximately 70 kms from Melbourne, in the picturesque Yarra Valley. ...
Australian Pallottines
The presence and works of the Pallottines in the Australian Province.
VIA Oct 06
Sr Bernadette Keating PBVM will be the facilitator at our Assembly. The UAC Assembly will run from 19-22 January 2007; the SAC Assembly from 22-25 January. ...
VIA May 02
Mar 29, 2002 ... The Casa Committee of adults and young adults under the able leadership of Richard Gooden, (Denise Fricker, Steve Monda and Davan, ...
Allocutions by John Winson SAC
ALLOCUTIO. BY JOHN WINSON SAC. ALLOCUTIO FOR FEBRUARY 2009. After New Year, the Chinese New Year, and now we have the new school year, it is time we settled ...