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Evidence and Paul's Journeys - History, Missionary Journeys, and ...
An in-depth, historical investigation into the Apostle Paul's Missionary Journeys.
Paul's Shipwreck 4: From Malta to Rome
He would also have had to agree to Paul’s staying with local Christians. ... the Centurion may have wanted to delay the overland trip to Rome. Because Paul ...
Apostle Paul's Shipwreck: An Historical Examination of Acts 27 and 28
An in-depth study of the historical evidence surrounding the book of Acts account of the Apostle Paul's voyage to Rome and shipwreck.
The Apostle Paul's Trial Before Gallio at Corinth
Historical sources confirm that Gallio was Proconsul of Corinth in 51 AD, ... Archeologists have discovered a first century inscription at Delphi, ...
Evidence and Paul's Journeys - History, Missionary Journeys, and ...
of Paul's Shipwreck, During Paul's missionary journeys, the Apostle spent more than two decades traveling in the eastern Roman empire. The record of Paul's ...
The Apostle Paul's Trial Before Gallio at Corinth
Historical sources confirm that Gallio was Proconsul of Corinth in 51 AD, ... Archeologists have discovered a first century inscription at Delphi, ...
Apostle Paul's Shipwreck: An Historical Examination of Acts 27 and 28
An in-depth study of the historical evidence surrounding the book of Acts account of the Apostle Paul's voyage to Rome and shipwreck.
The Apostle Paul's Judean Trial: Felix is Replaced as Procurator
The Roman Procurator Felix is recalled to Rome in the middle of the Apostle Paul's trial, a fact that is recorded by ancient historical sources.
Buy: Evidence and Paul's Journeys
Evidence and Paul's Journeys is available through the following booksellers: ... To buy at Parsagard Press by Check or Money Order ...
Erastus: City Treasurer of Corinth and Associate of the Apostle Paul
The name of Erastus, an associate of the Apostle Paul, shows up on a first century Corinthian pavement uncovered by archeologists in 1929.
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