texture coordinates
introduction This page aims to explain how opengl can be used to place texture maps onto polygons. Opengl uses the concept of 'texture coordinates' to ...
paul's opengl page
If you don't know how to compile OpenGL programs two tutorials are available: ... to load a binary image from disc and wrap it around our glu sphere. ...
program three
We 'cheat' by loading an image in .raw format and using the glu sphere's automatic texture coordinate generation feature. The exercise is still useful ...
paul's opengl page
Put the glut32.h file in your compiler's "/include/gl" directory. Put the glut32.lib in a place you can easily remember. I put mine in "/libs" directory. ...
paul's opengl page
GLU Primitives and Lighting 31 Aug 99 [download]: A solid glu sphere is drawn and we make the calls necessary to setup OpenGL lighting. ...
texture coordinates
unates texture coordinates texture coordinates texture coordinates texture ... Opengl uses the concept of 'texture coordinates' to achieve texture mapping. ...
paul's opengl page
consultancy work for AITI borland c & glut source loading objects texture .... The abridged source will be present - and if we introduce a new opengl ...
paul's opengl page
Posted [program10], it deals with hardware multitexturing and vertex arrays ... If you don't know how to compile OpenGL programs two tutorials are available ...
paul's opengl page
Anyway, this thing is extension packed so expect an updated multi-texturing tutorial some time soon. The .tga loader is undergoing another overhaul - large ...