Xquery Lite
Xquery Lite is a subset of the W3C's Xquery 1.0 language. ... Xquery Lite expressions are based on Xquery FLWR (For-Let-Where-Return) expressions. ...
PHP XML Classes
Jul 5, 2002 ... check->get_xml_text_sections()); print("Text size : ".$check->get_xml_text_size()); } else { print("XML is not well-formed ...
PHP XML Classes
Jul 5, 2002 ... Description: This class implements methods to check if a URL or file is well-formed XML. If not the class supplies methods to return the ...
PHP XML Classes
Jul 5, 2002 ... Description: This class implements methods to check if a URL or file is well-formed XML. If not the class supplies methods to return the ...
Xquery Lite
We may have several Xquery expressions in a return expression enclosed by brackets and each of them can be a full FLWR expression so we may have sub-queries ...
PHP XML Classes
PHP XML Classes A collection of classes and resources to process XML using PHP ... The URL for the feed is http://phpxmlclasses.sourceforge.net/feed.rss ...
PHP XML Classes
PHP XML Classes A collection of classes and resources to process XML using PHP ... The URL for the feed is http://phpxmlclasses.sourceforge.net/feed.rss ...
XQuery Lite (class_xquery_lite.php)
This private method receives a Xquery Lite expression (whatever is found between curly brackets) and returns an array of statements, for example v[0]=a for ...
Xquery Lite
Now we are going to show how some W3C Xquery Use-Cases can be solved using Xquery Lite. In the examples we will work with the "bib.xml" document which has ...
Xquery Lite
Comment: The Xquery Lite 1.0 language doesn't have an IF statement yet (it is planned for 1.1) so we have to split the query in two parts one for the books ...