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Traženje partnera - Ured za istraživanje
- [ Translate this page ]TRAŽENJE PARTNERA. 1. Kontaktirajte postojeće partnere s kojima već surađujete (pouzdanost je vrlo važan faktor) i doznajte da li su zainteresirani za ...
Projekti - Ured za istraživanje
The FDV method has not been applied to electromagnetic (EM) computation, ... The ability of the FDV method to handle flow problems with complex physical ...
Projekti - Ured za istraživanje
- [ Translate this page ]Istraživačka strategija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 2008. -2013. ..... (UNIZG partner: Josip Tišljar), RGN, MULTILAT, Ostalo, From: 1988-09-10 ...
Projekti - Ured za istraživanje
Design, preparation and characterization of different types of catalyst based on Cu-Mn supported on zeolites (such as ZSM-5; MCM-41, etc. ...
biomedicine - International students
The University of Zagreb Medical School has a curriculum that meets global requirements and standards for graduate medical education, as specified by ...
Grants to foreign institutions - Ured za istraživanje
Most of the policies contained in Subpart A of this part apply to NIH grants made to foreign institutions and international organizations (hereafter ...
PowerPoint Presentation
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML ERA MORE - The European network of mobility centres, 200 mobility centres, soon in Zagreb (March 2008). • ERA CAREERS - The European ...
FP7 complete guidelines_190308 FINAL PUBLICATION.doc
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML an audit or other control performed by the Commission services or on its behalf demonstrates that the certification can no longer be maintained in ...
Projekti - Ured za istraživanje
- [ Translate this page ]Istraživačka strategija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 2008. -2013. Projekti · Unos projekata ... Projekti · Kako se uključiti? ...
Projekti - Ured za istraživanje
Dissemination of project results supposes to provide by organization of the I-st Conference of “Balkan Network of Biotechnology in Animal Reproduction” ...
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