FSA - Salt - Benefits of less salt
Benefits of less salt. Most people in the UK eat too much salt. This means that most people would benefit from cutting down on the amount of salt they eat. ...
FSA - Salt
Details the UK government's advice on limiting an adult's salt consumption to no more than 6g a day.
FSA - Salt - Salt myths
And people in some countries survive on a fraction of the amount of salt eaten by people in the UK. I would know if I had high blood pressure - FALSE ...
FSA - Salt - Blood pressure
For example, if you have a systolic pressure of 130mmHg and a diastolic pressure of 70mmHg, they will usually say that your blood pressure is '130 over 70'. ...
Food Standards Agency: Salt
Details the UK government's advice on limiting an adult's salt consumption to no more than 6g a day.
FSA - Salt
Details the UK government's advice on limiting an adult's salt consumption to no more than 6g a day.
FSA - Salt - Babies and children
Babies need only a very small amount of salt - less than 1g a day up to 12 months. Their kidneys can't cope with larger amounts of salt. ...
FSA - Salt
Is your food full of it? Pasta. Whats on the label. Find out what food labels can tell you about salt. more. Add fresh herbs to pasta dishes, vegetables and ...
Food Standards Agency: Salt
Is your food full of it? Pasta. Whats on the label. Find out what food labels can tell you about salt. more. Add fresh herbs to pasta dishes, vegetables and ...
FSA - Salt - Salt myths
Salt myths. I can't be eating too much salt because I don't add it to my food - FALSE ... Eating too much salt can raise your blood pressure at any age. ...