Sustainable development indicators: a scientific challenge, a ... Social indicators, and therefore sustainable development indicators also, are scientific constructs whose principal objective is to inform public ...
Methods for visual quality assessment of a digital terrain model A Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is a continuous representation of a ground surface landform that is commonly used to ... Newsletters. La Lettre de Revues.org ...
Integrated Coastal Zone Management: four entrenched illusions However, there is often a pie to share, and trade-offs must be found that go against certain ..... this works simply shows the astonishing universality of “the community utopia” and ..... Incertitude et concertation dans la gestion de la zone côtière
Methods for visual quality assessment of a digital terrain model A Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is a continuous representation of a ground surface ... refers to the statistical concept of variation (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998). ... 11 with a resolution of 60 m (2”) and absolute vertical accuracy of 8 to 10 m. ...
Geoarchaeology: where human, social and earth sciences meet with ... Geoarchaeology is a recent field of research that uses the computer ... 7The common definition of a D.E.M. can be presented as follows: a Digital Elevation ...
The continuous field view of representing forest geographically ... 2This paper discusses a way to describe forest geographically storing an array of ... each location has one or another value of an attribute, e.g. “forest” or .... or minimum distance), usually do not work for forest management planning. ... known to
Methods for visual quality assessment of a digital terrain model A semantically reliable and high quality data model (as a base for the DTM ..... 31The next methods use (4) contour lines vectorised from the maps which ...
An Integrative Approach to Quality of Life Measurement, Research ... Feb 15, 2008 ... While Quality of Life (QOL) has long been an explicit or implicit policy goal, adequate definition and measurement have been elusive.
Sustainable development indicators: a scientific challenge, a ... Social indicators, and therefore sustainable development indicators also, are scientific constructs whose principal objective is to inform public ...
Our energy for the future To quote this document. Electronic reference. Claude Mandil, « Our energy for the future », S.A.P.I.EN.S, 1.1 | 2008, [Online], Online since 26 mars 2008. ...