The Cosmological Argument: Russell vs. Copleston
In 1947 there was an interesting debate between Bertrand Russell and F. C. Copleston which centred on the cosmological argument. Copleston (1907 – 1994) was ...
Plato's Tripartite Soul
Plato explains this tripartite division by an allegory - a charioteer driving two horses. The charioteer represents the rational (2) part of the soul. ...
The Cosmological Argument: Russell vs. Copleston
In 1947 there was an interesting debate between Bertrand Russell and F. C. Copleston which ... Russell and Copleston end up talking in circles. Great radio! ...
Plato's Tripartite Soul
Plato explains this tripartite division by an allegory - a charioteer driving two horses. The charioteer represents the rational (2) part of the soul. ...
Plato's Immortality of the Soul
Plato's Immortality of the Soul. ... Much of Plato’s views on the soul’s immortality can be found in his Republic. He starts with the concept of reward and ...
Aristotle: the Prime Mover
The Prime Mover to Aristotle is the first of all substances, ... The Prime Mover causes the movement of other things, not as an efficient cause, ...
Irenaeus’ Theodicy
Irenaean theodicy is ‘soul making’. His theodicy is more concerned with the ... Heaven and hell are important within Irenaeus’s Theodicy as part of the ...
Irenaeus’ Theodicy
Irenaeus never developed his theodicy fully but his ideas were later taken up by Friedrich Schleirmacher (1768-1834) and more resently by John Hick. ...
The Teleological Argument: William Paley
The Teleological Argument: William Paley. William Paley (1743-1805) wrote a book – Natural Theology or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the ...
Challenges to the Teleological Argument from Hume
Hume point out that the same could be said about the universe – i.e. many creator gods or demons…etc. For Hume, the Teleological Argument does not ...