SCOPE - Summer Camp Opportunities Provide an Edge: Camperships ...
SCOPE makes summer camp available and affordable to every child by funding accredited, not-for-profit camps with camperships for children in need.
SCOPE - SCOPE Young Professionals
SCOPE Summer Camp Opportunities Provide an Edge. ... One FREE ticket to the Annual SCOPE Winter Event for Young Professionals; Invitation to members-only ...
SCOPE - Summer Camp Opportunities Provide an Edge: Camperships ...
SCOPE makes summer camp available and affordable to every child by funding accredited, not-for-profit camps with camperships for children in need.
2007 AnnuAl RepoRt
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML Charmer Sunbelt Group. Linda Courtiss-Ragsdale. Crestwood Country. Day School. Jennifer DeSpagna. Nancy Diamond. Robert Ditter. Ira & Linda Fish ...
SCOPE - Summer Camp Opportunities Provide an Edge: Camperships ...
SCOPE makes summer camp available and affordable to every child by funding accredited, not-for-profit camps with camperships for children in need.
SCOPE - Summer Camp Opportunities Provide an Edge: Camperships ...
SCOPE makes summer camp available and affordable to every child by funding accredited, not-for-profit camps with camperships for children in need.
SCOPE - Summer Camp Opportunities Provide an Edge: Camperships ...
SCOPE makes summer camp available and affordable to every child by funding accredited, not-for-profit camps with camperships for children in need.
SCOPE - Summer Camp Opportunities Provide an Edge: Camperships ...
SCOPE makes summer camp available and affordable to every child by funding accredited, not-for-profit camps with camperships for children in need.
SCOPE - Summer Camp Opportunities Provide an Edge: Camperships ...
SCOPE makes summer camp available and affordable to every child by funding accredited, not-for-profit camps with camperships for children in need.
SCOPE - Summer Camp Opportunities Provide an Edge: Camperships ...
SCOPE makes summer camp available and affordable to every child by funding accredited, not-for-profit camps with camperships for children in need.